Early Discovery Begins Here
The terrific twos is a time when your child will be busy discovering anything and everything in their path! Since Bright & Early individual age programs are truly progressive, they expand the experience for children as they move from one program to the next. The Toddler Program is an appropriate leap from the Young Toddler Program, as the classrooms change to present individual choices for a growing awareness and affinity to learn. Play-based learning is perfect for toddlers, who are naturally curious and explorative.
Toddlers begin to express interest to move from independent play to parallel play, so we encourage comfortable play with friends and respectful interactions in a group setting. Throughout the day, Teachers also engage each child in conversation with open-ended questions to encourage growing language skills. We encourage peer connections and emphasize social skills needed to play well with others, which will become increasingly important at the next developmental stage.
Toddler Classrooms with Room to Discover
Our toddler classrooms offer just the right number of choices for children to feel confident and not overwhelmed.